WordPress SSH2 configuration

Instead of the packaged WordPress I run the version provided by WordPress. It is installed using a different userid from the userid the webserver runs as.  To enable updates from the Admin Dashboard, I enabled sftp (ssh). This is how I did it.

WordPress Tuning

I’ve done a little tuning to my WordPress setup. To keep up to date, I’ve switched from the Ubuntu installation to a downloaded installation under /opt/wordpress. This is owned by my user and served by Apache running as www-data. Updates are done using the SFTP method.

Installing WordPress on Ubuntu

WordPress is available as a packaged application for Ubuntu.  However it requires a bit of post installation configuration. The installation will install the apache2 multi-user server if no server is installed. I modified the installation to run over top of an existing site.  The default installation creates directories under /var/www, which I move to /srv.

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